Mahatma Gandhi Timeline: Key Events in Chronological Order
1883: At the age of 13, Gandhi marries Kasturba Makhanji, who is also 13 years old at the time. 1888: Gandhi travels to England to study law at University College London and become a barrister. 1891: Gandhi returns to India after completing his studies in England and begins practicing law in Bombay (now Mumbai). 1893
Mahatma Gandhi Timeline - Encyclopedia Britannica
Timeline of key events in the ‘life of Mahatma Gandhi, leader of India’s independence movement. When India was a colony of Great Britain, Gandhi (who was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) used nonviolent methods to protest against British rule.
Mohandas Gandhi Study Guide: Timeline - SparkNotes
1883: ·Gandhi and Kasturbai are married. September 4, 1888: ·Gandhi leaves for England to study law. June 10, 1891: ·Gandhi passes the bar exam in England. 1891-1893: ·Gandhi fails as a lawyer in India. April 1893: ·Gandhi accepts commission to spend a …
Gandhi Timeline - Life Chronology of Mahatma Gandhi
Jan 29, 2016 · Gandhi Timeline Information. Check out this brief chronology of Mahatma Gandhiji's life and important events.
Chronology of Mahatma Gandhi | Chronology | Mani Bhavan - Gandhi …
Oct 22, 2020 · Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born of a Bania (Vaishya or trading caste) family at Porbunder, Kathiawar, the youngest of the three sons of Karamchand alias Kaba Gandhi, Prime Minister successively in Porbunder, Rajkot and …
A Short Chronological Sketch | Chronology of Mahatma Gandhi
At Pietermaritzberg station Gandhiji was ordered to go into the van compartment of the train although he held a first class ticket. On his refusal, a constable was brought and he was forcibly ejected, his bundles pitched out after him. He was left to shiver in the waiting room all night.
Gandhi Timeline - Softschools.com
May 1883: Gandhi marries Kasturbai Makhanji in an arranged marriage. At the age of 13, Gandhi marries 14 year-old Kasturbai Makhanji. Following the customs of their region, the children are part of an arranged marriage. They will have four children together. September 4, 1888: Gandhi goes to London to enter law school.
Chronology of Events - Mahatma Gandhi
1883: Marries Kasturbai: 1884-85: Takes to meat-eating in secret, but abandons habit after about a year to avoid deceiving his parents. Father dies, aged 63. 1887: Passes Matriculation examination; joins Samaldas College at Bhavnagar (Kathiawar), but gives up studies at close of first term. 1888: September: 4: Sails for England. October: 28 ...
Chronology of Mahatma Gandhi
Born on 2nd October at Porbandar, Kathiawad, son of Karamchand (Kaba) and Putlibai Gandhi. 1876: Attended primary school in Rajkot, where his family moved. Betrothed to Kasturba: 1881: Entered high school in Rajkot. 1883: Married to Kasturba. 1885: Father died at …
Born at Porbandar, Kathiawad, son of Karamchand (Kaba) and Putlibai Gandhi. 1876 : Attended primary school in Rajkot, where his family moved. 1876 : Betrothed to Kasturba (called Kasturba in her old age), daughter of Gokuldas Makanji, a merchant: 1881 : Entered high school in Rajkot. 1883 : Married to Kasturba. 1885 : Father died at age of 63. 1887
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