Megatherium - Wikipedia
Megatherium is part of the sloth family Megatheriidae, which also includes the closely related and similarly giant Eremotherium, comparable in size to M. americanum, which was native to tropical South America, Central America and North America as far north as the southern United States.
History of "Jeff" The Giant Ground Sloth | Orton Geological Museum
The Holmes County ground sloth has the distinction of being the first mounted skeleton of Jefferson’s Megalonyx. “Jeff” is the oldest exhibit, and one of the most photographed, in the University.
What was Megatherium? - Natural History Museum
Nov 22, 2018 · Megatherium americanum is the scientific name for an extinct species of giant ground sloth. The name means 'great beast from America'. Discovered in 1787 by Manuel Torres in Argentina, the first M. americanum fossils were shipped to the Museo Nacional de Ciencias in Madrid, where the original skeleton is still on display.
Evidence of artefacts made of giant sloth bones in central Brazil ...
The evidence presented here of anthropic modification of giant sloth osteoderms during the early LGM at Santa Elina supports the hypothesis that humans were in South America thousands of years before the extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna in the continent.
Facts About the Giant Ground Sloth - Live Science
Nov 5, 2016 · Giant ground sloths (Megalonyx jeffersonii) stood about 10 feet tall. The Ancient Ozarks Natural History Museum says this mounted skeleton is the most complete and best preserved specimen...
The hidden “armor” found in the skin of a giant ground sloth
Argentinian scientists used X-rays on a 13,000-year-old sloth skin and discovered thousands of tiny bones on the inside. After having managed to determine the precise age of the famous mummified skin of a Mylodon (an extinct species of giant ground sloth) the same scientists continue their quest to further understand this ancient animal.
News from the Orton Museum: "Jeff" the Giant Ground Sloth
“Jeff,” the informal name of the giant ground sloth skeleton in the Orton Geological Museum, is one of Ohio State’s most distinctive and recognizable images. Images or descriptions of it span an array of scientific papers, promotional literature, artistic imagery, and digital media.
Fossilized bones of a giant ground sloth were found in Daytona in …
Oct 15, 2020 · The 130,000-year-old, 13-foot-tall giant ground-sloth's bones, assembled and displayed at the Museum of Arts and Science, represent the most complete giant sloth skeleton in North...
An OSU icon: "Jeff" the Giant Ground Sloth
Jan 27, 2023 · “Jeff,” the informal name of the giant ground sloth skeleton in the Orton Geological Museum, is one of Ohio State’s most distinctive and recognizable images.
IU re-creating ‘Megajeff,’ an ancient giant sloth skeleton that …
Apr 9, 2019 · During the last Ice Age, a giant sloth called Megalonyx jeffersonii roamed Indiana. A few short millennia later, researchers from Indiana University’s Indiana Geological and Water Survey are roaming the country scanning bones from the ancient creature.