Uniforms - Insignia List and Placement | Girl Scouts
You can wear your sash, vest, or tunic over official Girl Scout gear or over a white shirt and khaki pants or skirt. Depending on grade level, official uniform items may be blue, brown, green, or khaki. Need help with where to place badges, pins, awards, and other insignia? Check out the Girl Scout uniform diagrams below.
Badges, Journeys, and Awards | Girl Scouts
Start exploring badges and awards—and a world of possibility. Get these newly updated Award Logs and Badge Charts for each grade level. Print these out for reference, and to replace the versions in The Girl's Guide to Girl Scouting. New badges are here!
Hello Girls of World War I - GG Archives
The "Hello Girls" paved the way for countless women in uniform, and their story continues to inspire as a symbol of perseverance, equality, and the vital contributions of women to national and global endeavors.
Insignia List and Placement - Girl Scouts of the USA
You can wear your sash, vest, or tunic over official Girl Scout gear or over a white shirt and khaki pants or skirt. Depending on grade level, official uniform items may be blue, brown, green, or khaki.
America’s Forgotten Veterans: The Hello Girls of World War I Are …
Sep 7, 2024 · The story of the Hello Girls is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this tragically overlooked community, able to stand in for many other women who also lacked veteran status. By honoring the Hello Girls with the Congressional Gold Medal, Congress would be honoring all of these women.
AT&T Celebrates the Hello Girls’ Congressional Gold Medal
Mar 20, 2025 · But with the 223 Hello Girls at the controls, that number increased to 36,000 calls a day. And by the end of the war, more than 25 million local calls and 870,000 long-distance calls had been placed over the American system. The Hello Girls wore a uniform, were given ranks, and in every way appeared to be soldiers.
4-1. Description. The following medals, badges, awards, decorations, and ribbons are authorized for wear by eligible Cadets on issue or Cadet-type uniforms:
A tribute to the ‘Hello Girls’ - The American Legion
5 days ago · As part of Women’s History Month, the Military Women's Memorial celebrates the recent Congressional Gold Medal designation for the 223 women whose role was instrumental in World War I. Phyllis Wilson, the president of the Military Women's Memorial, and her staff are sharing the stories of women veterans well over 100 times this month covering every state in America. “This month — Women ...
CCHS JROTC - Uniform Guide
There are four types of uniforms that may be prescribed for wear: Class A, Class B, ACU (camouflaged field uniform) and Physical Training (PT). (1) Class A Uniform (Figures 7 and 9).
Jun 26, 2018 · Uniform Program is responsible for providing mail-order support to Marine Corps personnel worldwide for system uniform clothing items. The CG MARCORSYSCOM (PfM GCES) and the Commander, NEXCOM...