Dua of Yunus (Jonah) - My Islam
Jan 18, 2019 · Dua to solve hardship by Prophet Yunus لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ laaa ilaaha illaaa Anta Subhaanaka innee kuntu minaz zaalimeen
Museebat say chutkaray ki Dua - IslamiWazaif
Jul 15, 2012 · Yeh Dua Hazrat Younus (A.S) ne machli ke pait mein ki, Allah Ta'la ne qabool farmai, Aap (P.B.U.H) ne farmaya hai jis Musalman ne bhi kisi museebat mein is Dua se Allah Ta'la ko pukara, Allah Ta'a ne us ki Dua zaroor qabool farmai hai. This dua was prayed by Hazrat Yunus Aleh Salam in the belly of the fish and Allah accepted it.
The power of Prophet Yunus (A.S)'s dua / by Sheikh Abu Hassan …
Discover the miraculous supplication of Prophet Yunus (A.S) as explained by Sheikh Abu Hassan Swati. This powerful dua, "لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظ...
The Story of Prophet Younus and the Dua for Distress
This story of Prophet Younus is taken from the Quran with a detailed explanation based on Tafsir Ibn Kathir. The story of Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) is mentioned in Surat As-Saaffaat, Surah Al Anbiya and Surah Yunus. We learn the following lessons from this story: the need for patience in all our
The dua of Yunus (AS) - islamidawahcenter.com
Jan 4, 2025 · This dua, known as the Dua of Yunus (AS), is one of the most profound supplications in Islamic tradition and teaches us valuable lessons about humility, repentance, and the limitless mercy of Allah. The Quran mentions this dua in Surah Al-Anbiya, highlighting the sincerity and faith of Prophet Yunus (AS) when he was in a situation of deep distress.
Dua of Yunus (A.S) | Purpose of Dua | Learn Online | MP3 - ISLAM …
Dec 27, 2023 · In our Islamic traditions, a prayer linked to the Prophet Yunus (Jonah) is called Dua of Yunus, or the Prayer of Jonah. It is related to the tale of Prophet Yunus, who pleaded to Allah for forgiveness and mercy while inside the belly of a whale.
Dua Yunus in Arabic, English, Transliteration & Benefits
Dua Yunus is a powerful supplication made by Prophet Yunus (also known as Jonah) when he was trapped inside a whale. It’s a heartfelt plea for forgiveness and a cry for help in times of trouble. You can find this special supplication in the Quran, specifically in Surah Anbiya, Verse 87.
Dua of Prophet Yunus a.s. in English - MuslimSG
Feb 11, 2021 · The Dua of Prophet Yunus a.s. The supplication prayed by Prophet Yunus a.s. in the belly of the whale offers us guidance on how to repent sincerely to Allah s.w.t. It describes the power of Allah s.w.t. and that no one is able to forgive except Him, while also containing the confession of a wrongdoer in repentance:
DUA OF YUNUS (JONAH) - Halal Thinker
Jul 16, 2024 · Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) mentions in a hadith that Allah (swt) responds to whoever recites the same du’a that Prophet Yunus recited in the belly of the whale. “There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.” [source]
Dua of Yunus (A.S.) with Meaning - The Islamic Information
Aug 26, 2024 · Yunus (AS) was a Prophet sent by Allah SWT, he recited this dua in the time of difficulty when he was in whale's belly, and it helped him out.