House of Julia Felix - Wikipedia
The House of Julia Felix, [1] [2] also referred to as the praedia (Latin for an estate, or land) of Julia Felix, is a large Roman property on the Via dell'Abbondanza in the city of Pompeii. [3] [4] It was originally the residence of Julia Felix, who converted portions of it to apartments available for rent and other parts for public use after ...
朱莉婭·菲利克斯之家 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
朱莉婭·菲利克斯之家 (英語: House of Julia Felix) [1] [2] 也被稱為朱莉婭·菲利克斯的房產(拉丁語為praedia),是 龐貝城 阿波坦查大道(Via dell'Abbondanza)上的一處大型羅馬房產。 [3] [4] 最初是朱莉婭·菲利克斯的住所,在發生 公元62年大地震 (公元79年維蘇威火山爆發 摧毀龐貝古城的前兆)後,她將其中的一部分改造成可供出租的公寓,其它部分則作為公共設施使用。 考古 挖掘始於1755年,目前朱莉婭·菲利克斯之家的遺跡已開放參觀。 朱莉婭·菲利克斯之家是圍繞 …
A Woman Named Julia Felix Led A Lavish Business Enterprise In …
May 15, 2017 · By the time Mt. Vesuvius buried Pompeii in 79, Julia Felix’ villa complex had become something of a luxurious resort hotel. Her target clientele was the wealthy elite of society. Julia Felix advertised her private bath as a club where only the genteel were invited.
The House of Julia Felix – Women in Antiquity - WordPress.com
Nov 12, 2020 · Julia Felix was a prominent businesswoman in Pompeii. She owned the House of Julia Felix, a collection of housing, gardens, baths, and shops, from 62-79CE. Her prestigious property offered some of the finest amenities in her neighborhood of Pompeii.
House of Julia Felix - Teacher Curator
Jun 21, 2021 · After the earthquake of 62 AD her sumptuous Villa in Pompeii, today known as the House of Julia Felix, unscathed and extending over an area corresponding to two insulae, could easily be divided into parts and rented out to ease the difficulties caused by the shortage of accommodation in the city.
House of Julia Felix - Sutori
The house of Julia Felix was of the largest and most luxurious houses in Pompeii. It took up almost an entire block. There were beautiful paintings and statues that depicted Greed goddesses. It had a private bath house and beautiful courtyard and garden. The house was damaged in an earthquake in 62 AD prior to the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
House of Julia Felix - Madain Project (en)
The Estate or House of Julia Felix (Praedia Giulia Felix), a notable archaelogical site, is a large ancient Roman residential-commercial property on the Via dell'Abbondanza in the ancient city of Pompeii. The House of Julia Felix is situated on the south side of the Via dell'Abbondanza near its eastern limit, close to the Palaestra and ...
After the earthquake of 62 A.D., the owner of this sumptuous and elegant house, Julia Felix, daughter of Spurius, decided to ease the difficulties caused by the shortage of accommodation by renting out part of the house. As the Forum Baths could be used only in part, she also opened her private bath to the public.
Julia Felix - Pompeii Sites
Julia Felix was the owner of a large complex (the so-called Praedia) that occupies the whole of insula II, 4 and consists of a domus with a Tuscan atrium, a large ornamental garden with a series of residential rooms opening onto it, a bathhouse, and a huge park.
House of Julia Felix: 1 Background 3 Inside The Villa
House of Julia Felix - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Julia Felix was a wealthy Roman woman who owned a grand villa that took up an entire city block in Pompeii. After an earthquake in 62 AD damaged the villa, Julia rented parts of it out for income.