Eircode | Location Codes - Postcode Finder - Postcode Ireland
Eircode is Ireland's smart Postcode System Find an Eircode. Eircode for business. Find out more information about Eircode products and services. Business. Find an Eircode. Find Eircodes for addresses on the Eircode finder site. Find an Eircode. Benefits.
Getting an Eircode
All Eircodes can be found on the Eircode Finder, a public website that allows you to search for an Eircode by address or by finding a property on the map. On a smartphone you can also use the Get Directions option to navigate to an address.
Eircode Help
Many addresses are shared by more than one property – use the Find On Map feature to identify the exact location you’re looking for and get Eircodes for non unique addresses.
What is Eircode | Smart Location Codes - Postcodes Ireland
Eircode is Ireland’s postcode system, launched in July 2015. An Eircode is a seven-character alpha-numeric postcode. Each Eircode is unique to a postal address and its geographic location.
FAQs - Eircode - Location Codes for Irish Addresses
When you search for an Eircode by address or map you will be able to view the location of the Eircode on a map to confirm if it is correct. The map allows you to zoom in and out and view in satellite mode to help you confirm that the location is correct.
Eircode Puts a Pin in It
November 2nd 2017: Eircode is pleased to announce that you can now use Eircodes in Google Maps to accurately locate addresses throughout Ireland. The Eircode system, a seven character code assigned to digitally identify every location with an address, makes life a little more straightforward for Irish citizens.
Using an Eircode
An Eircode notification letter is not required to use an Eircode. All Eircodes can be found on the Eircode Finder - a public website that allows you to search for Eircodes by address or map. You can also print your Eircode from the Eircode Finder.
What gets an Eircode | Postcode Ireland - Postcodes - Location …
All Eircodes can be found on the Eircode Finder- a public website that allows you to search for Eircodes by address or map. For more information visit Using an Eircode. What gets an Eircode? When Eircode launched in 2015, Eircodes were assigned to over 2.2m postal addresses.
About Eircode | Postcode Ireland - Postcodes - Location Codes
If you would like to find out more about Capita Ireland, please visit our corporate site at www.capita.com . Capita Business Support Services Ireland Limited is registered in Ireland No: 395165 Registered office: Unit B, West Cork Business and Technology Park, Clonakilty, Co Cork, P85 YH98, Ireland
Eircode Business | Location Codes for Businesses
The Eircode Data Products contain all 2.2 million business and residential addresses in Ireland. Eircode is a powerful tool that will provide new and exciting opportunities for your business. Find out how your business can offer addressing solutions to your customers by becoming an Eircode Provider or learn more about the Products and Services ...