KSP1 Mod Development - Kerbal Space Program Forums
Mar 13, 2021 · This add-on adds parts of a small shuttle to the game, which is capable of sending up in orbit Kerbin to 3 tons (!) V 1.4 1. The root folder is now named "MKShuttle", so if you've used this add-on before, it will be removed from the game.
[1.12.x] Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit - Kerbal Space Program Forums
Jul 3, 2019 · Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit is a parts mod designed to build a Kerbalized version of the NASA Space Shuttle Orbiter. This has been something of a labour of love for me - I started work on the modelling for this almost four months ago, and it's been an almost all-consuming project ever since.
KSP with Realism Overhaul - MAKS as a Shuttle - YouTube
I put the MAKS spaceplane on a Shuttle/Buran-style stack and see how it does.The mod (Realism Overhaul and Textures Unlimited required): https://www.dropbox....
Shuttles that never were (but could have): Soviet MAKS
Dec 10, 2014 · In KSP terms, it would probably work very nicely since airhogging you can get pretty high suborbital trajectories, allowing true recovery of the carrier airplane. The orbiter's required delta-v would be like ridiculously low, though, meaning not very like the RL counterpart.
SpaceODY/Space-Shuttle-System-Expanded - GitHub
DESIGNED FOR KSP RO/RSS 1.12.3 (May work on other versions) MODS REQUIRED: ASET (Core, Avionics, Rover props), JSI(Raster prop monitor), KSPWheel, B9PartSwitch, FAR (Ferram Aerospace Research) All the space shuttles except challenger went through a …
Does anyone have a mod for the MAKS spaceplane and its engines?
Jun 17, 2021 · Recently saw a video of Raiz Space on the RD-701 and I want to try it but I can't find a mod with it. Can someone link it? Raiz said in that video that he’ll release the mod that includes the engine and the MAKS when he does a video …
The ultimate Realism Overhaul modpack - GitHub
As featured in the multiplayer Youtube series of the same name, the For All Kerbalkind modpack aims to make installing a stable and balanced RO/RP-1 experience a small step, rather than a giant leap. Create a new install by copying and pasting your KSP directory (usually found in Steam/steamapps/common/), then giving it a relevant name.
MAKS based shuttle. : r/KerbalSpaceProgram - Reddit
Jul 15, 2017 · Do you launch it from an Antonov AN255 Mriya? I did a MAKS a while back, which was fairly simple to fly, and had more than enough delta-V to reach orbit from an air launch at around 7000m. But if launched from the back of the carrier aircraft I could never really turn the shuttle upwards steeply enough to go from horizontal flight to vertical.
is there any good realistic shuttle mods? : r/KerbalSpaceProgram - Reddit
May 25, 2022 · is there any good realistic shuttle mods? Stockalike : SOCK here Realistic : Space Shuttle System, the rework by spaceODY here. Compatible in 1.12.3 and both have RO/RP-1 configs if you play RSS. If you download SOCK you should also download reDIRECT here to have the RSRMs and the ET. I also heard about cormorant aeronology but never tried it.
shuttle - Kerbal Space Program Mods - CurseForge
Micro Shuttle and Rescue Vehicle for three (3) kerbals for Kerbal Space Program. This is not a SSTO. Discover the world's largest mod repository on CurseForge, serving popular games and communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more.