The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites - Perseus Digital Library
The town of Lactora was first part of the province of Aquitaine, then of Novempopulania. It was the capital of the civitas of the Lactorates and one of the high places of the cult of Cybele.
Lectoure: A millenial history — LaRoche-Vacquié
Lectoure is located at the intersection of two main roads, an east-west axis, from Toulouse to Bordeaux, and north-south from Agen to Saint-Bertrand de Comminges, the ancient Lugdunum Convenarum. This route is mentioned on the Peutinger Tabula, an ancient Roman map showing the roads and the main towns of the Roman Empire which constitute the ...
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Lactora: a Pleiades place resource
Lactora was the capital of the civitas of the Lactorates. Show place in AWMC's Antiquity À-la-carte , Google Earth , or Pelagios' Peripleo . Show area in GeoNames , Google Maps , or OpenStreetMap .
Lactora | Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography | Archli
LACTORA in Gallia Aquitania, is placed by the Antonine Itin. on the road between Aginnum (Agen) and Climberrum ( Auch), and 15 Gallic leagues from each. The distance and name correspond to the position and name of Lectoure.
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), LACTORA
labanae aquae - laga´ria lagecum - laphy´stium lapidei campi - lauretanus portus lauri - lemovices lemo´vii - leucata leuca´tas prom - libyarche libyci montes - lisae lisinae - loxa luanci - lute´tia parisio´rum lute´va - lyttus
Lactora — Wikipédia
Lactora est une cité aquitano - romaine implantée sur le site de l’actuelle ville de Lectoure (Gers), capitale des Lactorates, peuple de l’ Aquitaine qui faisait partie de la Novempopulanie. Le lieu est habité dès le Mésolithique, comme l’attestent divers vestiges retrouvés sur place.
World History Atlas | Ancient and Modern States
Interactive detailed political map from ancient times to our days. Empires, kingdoms, principalities, republics
Lectoure – Regnum Francorum Online
About: Lectoure. An Entity in Data Space of Regnum Francorum Online: francia.ahlfeldt.se Home | Interactive Maps: Frankish kingdom | Roman Empire This page as RDF/XML
Map of the Ancient World - World History Encyclopedia
Explore the ancient world in this interactive map. Select a date an see cities, kingdoms and empires rise and fall.