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  1. Copilot Answer

    During the early 1980s, the BBC started what became known as the BBC Computer Literacy Project. The project was … See more

    Market impact

    The machine was released as the BBC Microcomputer on 1 December 1981, although production problems pushed delivery of the majority of the initial run into 1982. Nicknamed "the Beeb", it was popular in t… See more

    ManufacturerAcorn Computers
    Release date1 December 1981

    A key feature of the BBC Micro's design is the high-performance random-access memory (RAM) it is equipped with. A common design note in 6502-based computers of the era was to run the RAM at twice the cl… See more

    Successor machines

    Acorn produced its own 32-bit Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) CPU during 1985, the ARM1. Furber composed a reference model of the processor on the BBC Micro with 808 lines of BASIC, and Arm Ltd. re… See more

    Retro computing scene

    Furber said in 2015 that he was amazed that the BBC Micro "established this reputation for being reliable, because lots of it was finger-in-the-air engineering". As of 2018, thanks to its ready expandability and I/O function… See more

    Specifications (Model A to Model B+128)

    Like the IBM PC with the contemporary Color Graphics Adapter, the video output of the BBC Micro could be switched by software between a number of display modes. These varied between 20 and 40-column text suitable for … See more

    Use in the entertainment industry

    The BBC Domesday Project, a pioneering multimedia experiment, was based on a modified version of the BBC Micro's successor, the BBC Master.
    Musician Vince Clarke, of the British synth pop bands … See more

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