Save A Fox Rescue - Fox Sanctuary
Save A Fox is a wildlife rehabilitation facility based out of Minnesota and we specialize in rescuing foxes
ABOUT US - Saveafox
We hold a USDA Class B Dealer license, MN DNR Game Farm license, and an MN DNR Captive Wildlife Exhibitor permit.
Tours & Events - Saveafox
- We are located in Faribault, MN - Let us know if you are sick! We'll do our best to reschedule your tour. - For all other cancellations, 24hrs notice should be given - Tours booked online will be paid for at the time of booking
CONTACT - Saveafox
We love to hear from our fellow fox lovers. MIKAYLA RAINES. Founder/Rescuer. Send Message. REANNA MORGAN. Social Media Manager. Send Message. JENNY PATTON. Assistant. Send Message. MERRI HAMPTON. Rescue Coordinator. Send Message. EMAIL US: [email protected]. MAILING ADDRESS: 12245 175th St. W. Lakeville, MN 55044. Please note: This is not the ...
DONATE - Saveafox
Basic Fox Care; Mink Care & Basic Info; Training Protocol New Surrenders Rescues; Found Pet Foxes; GALLERIES. Foxes at Fur Farms; Reviews. Plans & Pricing. MORE. Log In. DONATE. Via US Mail*: SaveAFox Rescue. 12245 175th St. W. Lakeville, MN 55044 *this is not the rescue's physical address ...
Mikayla - Saveafox
My name is Mikayla Raines and I am the founder of SaveAFox Rescue. I have always loved all animal species but I found my love for foxes at the age of 15 when I met my very first fox while volunteering for a wildlife rehabber. At that time, I knew I wanted a fox in my life but I had never planned on starting a rescue or even having multiple foxes!
Merri - Saveafox
SaveAFox Rescue 12245 175th St. W. Lakeville, MN 55044. [email protected]. Copyright © 2019 - SaveAFox Rescue
OUR TEAM - Saveafox
Founder / Rescuer. Social Media Manager. Send Message. JENNIFER PATTON
Fox Adoption - Saveafox
If you decide to keep a fox without abiding by governmental rules and regulations, it can have a heartbreaking outcome for both you and the fox. Important Notes: We do background checks on all adoption applications.
Fox Sponsorship - Saveafox
ALL sponsors have access to a private group on Facebook called "SAVEAFOX SPONSORS" where they can talk to Mikayla and see their sponsored fox.