Make-A-Wish® Metro New York and Western New York
Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses – but you can make a child's wish possible. When you donate, you're giving children renewed strength to fight their …
Ways to Help Us - Make-A-Wish Metro & Western New York
There are so many ways to grant wishes with Make-A-Wish Metro & Western New York. Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.
Our Chapter - Make-A-Wish Metro New York and Western New York
Learn more about the Make-A-Wish Metro & Western New York chapter, staff, careers, media and social media. Make-A-Wish Metro & Western New York works to grant life changing wishes for …
Make-A-Wish® Vermont & Northeast New York
Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses – but you can make a child's wish possible. When you donate, you're giving children renewed strength to fight their …
Make-A-Wish® Central New York
Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses – but you can make a child's wish possible. When you donate, you're giving children renewed strength to fight their …
Our Stories - Make-A-Wish Metro New York and Western New York
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Metro & Western New York is a New York nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Make-A-Wish® Metro New York and Western New York
Make-A-Wish invites wish kids into a world of possibilities — where the exciting anticipation of a wish-come-true helps them believe in better days ahead. A wish replaces fear with confidence, …
Our Events - Make-A-Wish Metro & Western New York
2 days ago · Join one of our local Make-A-Wish events and help turn wishes into reality for kids facing critical illnesses. Whether it's a walk, gala, or volunteer opportunity, your support brings …
Wish It Forward - Make-A-Wish® Metro New York and Western …
Make-A-Wish is actively building a community of wish families and alumni in the Metro New York area by connecting people with shared experiences to create new and lasting relationships.
About Us - Make-A-Wish® Northeast New York
The first wish granted by Make-A-Wish® Northeast New York was for a girl from Amsterdam, whose wish was to visit Costa Rica to visit grandparents she had never met.