Pastel Salmon color hex code is #F6C1B2 - Color-Name.com
What is Pastel Salmon Color? Pastel Salmon has the hex code #F6C1B2. The equivalent RGB values are (246, 193, 178), which means it is composed of 40% red, 31% green and 29% blue.
Pastel Salmon - #F6C1B2 - The Official Register of Color Names
The digital color HEX #F6C1B2, known as "Pastel Salmon", belongs to the Red Color Family featuring High Saturation (Saturation Family) and Very Light (Brightness Family). HEX code #F6C1B2 represent the color in hexadecimal format by combining three values – the amounts of Red, Green and Blue (RGB).
Pastel Salmon Color Specification - Colorguide.org
Pastel salmon is a very light color with poor contrast with light backgrounds. Its lightness is 90%.
50+ Shades of Salmon Color (Names, HEX, RGB, & CMYK Codes)
Mar 6, 2024 · Pastel Salmon A soft and dreamy shade, Pastel Salmon carries an aura of nostalgia. Its delicate charm is perfect for vintage-inspired themes and romantic designs.
The 25 Best Shades of Salmon (+ HEX Codes) - piktochart.com
Oct 18, 2024 · The variety of shades within salmon is extensive, ranging from light, almost pastel pinks to rich, deep oranges. These shades are incredibly versatile and can be used in numerous design contexts, from corporate presentations to creative infographics.
Paletas de color salmón [+ esquemas y códigos]
El salmón es un tono de color que se encuentra en medio del naranja y el rosado aunque es mucho más cercano al naranja, es muy hermoso y fácil de combinar en cualquier diseño.
Salmon Color: Hex Code, Palettes & Meaning | Figma
Pastel red (#FF746C) resembles salmon but is far less saturated. Coral (#FF8559) is another organic color that blends pink and orange. Red-orange (#FF4B33) is a saturated, vibrant color that leans more toward red on the color wheel. What colors go with salmon? To complement salmon, consider pairing it with:
67 Shades of Pastel: Color Names, Hex, RGB, CMYK Codes - Art …
Aug 26, 2024 · Pastel Salmon is a soft, warm hue that blends gentle pinks with subtle orange tones, reminiscent of a delicate sunset or a fresh salmon fillet. This soothing color evokes feelings of calm and warmth, making it a popular choice for interior design and fashion.
33 Salmon Color Palettes
Dive into the vibrant world of our Salmon Color Palettes, where warm and inviting hues come together to create stunning color schemes that evoke a sense of serenity and joy.
Salmon Color: Codes, Complementary Colors and Palette Ideas
Salmon is closely related to pinks, reds, and oranges, which lie opposite to shades of green and blue. Read on to find out what colors go with salmon. If you’re looking to create a color palette using Salmon, simply type in the hex code in the Color Palette Quicktool and it’ll generate some fun color palettes to try.
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