Radio Shack Recalls Hazardous 13.8 VDC Power Supplies
Jul 3, 2008 · Power supply switch in the 'off' position the whole time! Just now checked both of my 22-507 supplies, using my R/S 22-168A digital multimeter set in its DC volts peak-hold mode. They both exhibit 'chirp' mode...their outputs apparently going to anywhere from 4 to 8 volts DC for a second or so every couple of minutes with their power switches ...
Even more updates on the Xiegu X6100 | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
Oct 18, 2021 · 5. Without power control circuit, the output power will change greatly with whether the antenna resonates or not. 6. Do not supply power to the PA board alone during the mill and transformation. When the core version is not connected, supplying power to the PA board alone will cause self excitation and damage the PA transmitting tube. 7.
Linear Amp Inrush Current Control & Soft Starts | QRZ Forums
Dec 23, 2006 · However, if your soft start design uses DC from the power supply secondary, be careful to isolate the relay DC via a diode and capacitor to keep it closed for a second or two, since low DC output from a moderate DC fault could otherwise cause the soft start relay to drop out, preventing needed power supply fuse or circuit breaker operation, via ...
Mr. Carlson's Lab : New Electronics Course [Patreon] - QRZ Forums
Jan 28, 2017 · Problem is, much of the circuit level work I did in the Marine Corps was relegated to tracing known signal path, on rinse-n-repeat FRU’s for 1960’s tech. (Still in the fleet, in the 1990’s) So, I’m certainly not capable of sitting down with a notepad, and sketching you a powered RF amplifier circuit with 30:1 gain and debating the ...
Genesis Radio Multi-band SDR kit | QRZ Forums
Nov 27, 2009 · An Australian company will be producing a new multi-band low power Software Defined Radio (SDR) transceiver kit. The Genesis G59 transceiver will cover the Amateur bands from 1.8 to 54 MHz and produce up to 10 watts output with the GPA10 amplifier.
Ham Radio - Setting the IC-705 to 'Zero' power out. How much …
Jan 24, 2021 · Transmitter Transmitter Dynamic Testing Power output with external 13.8 V dc supply: As specified. 0.1 – 10 W (AM, 0.025 – 2.5 W). With battery: 0.1 – 5 W (AM, 0.025 – 1.25 W) You are welcome
$12 Ham Radio Power Supply | Page 3 | QRZ Forums
Apr 26, 2020 · I did something similar with a Dell Poweredge 6800 power supply. About 100amp DC. It did cost me more than $12. Even though the fan speed is adjustable, it was still put out some fan noise. Good for outside. It also needed a dedicated 15amp power input. Its all good. View attachment 654822
Issue #18: A Smart New Solid State Linear Amp from ACOM (Tiny!)
May 11, 2023 · Hi Allan, the same PS is used in other amps, and it is has a small fan in it. What you are hearing is not the main fan in the 500, but the aux fan in the Power Supply. You'll need to buy one of those in-circuit switches to shut off all power to the 500s if that is annoying to you.
A Look at the Worst HF Rigs Ever--And How Hams Revive Them
Nov 11, 2020 · Removable/fixable circuit cards made in the USA. Didn't squat either when you loaded it up with a crappy antenna match, it still output enough power for you to get your callsign out where the Kenwood TS-140 wouldn't put any power out without a damn near perfect 1:1 match (maybe it's just that rig, and not all of them?)
The Ham Nation Pine Board Project | QRZ Forums
Mar 8, 2017 · On Ham Nation, we have started a terrific new CONTINUING series called, "The Pine Board Project". We will be building a vacuum tube AM transmitter. Power supply, microphone pre amp, transmitter and tuner each built on 5 x 5 inch pine board. JOIN US EACH WEDNESDAY ON HAM NATION 8 PM CST . Warm up …