Quick Fuck Shot Recipe: A Layered Creamy Delight - Drink Lab
The Quick Fuck shot, commonly known by its abbreviated name QF shot, is a popular party favorite known for its visually appealing layered look and deliciously smooth taste. This shot blends the sweet flavors of melon and coffee liqueurs with the creamy richness of Irish cream, making it a delightful treat for any occasion.
QF Shooter Cocktail Recipe with Picture - CompleteCocktails.com
The QF Shooter is made by layering Midori melon liqueur, Kahlua coffee liqueur and Bailey's Irish cream in a chilled shot glass. The QF in the name refers to Quick F... if you drink too many of these.
Quick Fuck Recipe | Crystal Mixer
This recipe version is made with these ingredients: Bailey's® Irish cream, Kahlua® coffee liqueur, Midori® melon liqueur. Some of the best shots from the classics to the newest are the Flaming Lamborghini Shot, Red, White and Blue Shot, Jello Shots, and the B-52 Shot.
The Quick Fuck Cocktail Recipe - Tipsy Bartender
Here's a shot that will leave you saying its name all night long: The Quick F*ck! THE QUICK FUCK 1 part Coffee Liqueur 1 part Melon Liqueur 1 part Irish Cream PREPARATION 1. Pour …
Q.f (quick Fuck) Cocktail Drink Recipe
Q.f (quick Fuck) recipe and 17,000 more cocktail drink recipes. This mixed drink has the following ingredients: , Coffee Liqueur, Amaretto, Midori Melon Liqueur.
Quick Fuck shot recipe | Cocktails Spirits Liquors - MixolopediA
Shot layer with Baileys, Kahlua and Midori.
Q.F. (Quick F**k) Drink Recipe - Shooter - Bar None Drinks
Instructions Layer in order (Midori at the bottom of the glass) in a shot glass.
Quick Fuck - Shots & Slammers Recipe
Quick Fuck - Shots & Slammer Recipes 1/3 Irish Cream 1/3 Kahlua 1/3 Midori Pour into a shot glass; Irish Cream first, midori last & Shoot. Check out the full selection of Shots & Slammer Recipes here >>
The Top 50 Cocktail List and Recipes
Oct 24, 2023 · From margaritas to martinis, scroll through to see the world's bestselling cocktails and get the recipes to make them at home. 1. Old Fashioned. Just as the name suggests, the …
Quick F**k (or QF) #1 Drink Recipe - Shooter
Instructions Layer in a shot glass with Bailey's Irish Cream floating on top.