The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada | Army Reserves | Toronto | QOR
Official Site of Canada's Oldest Infantry Regiment - The Queen's Own Rifles (QOR) Infantry Reserve Regiment of the Canadian Armed Forces | Army Reserves | Airborne Infantry | Recruiting | Toronto
ABOUT - queensownrifles
The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada (QOR) is a Primary Army Reserve infantry regiment based in Toronto. Founded on April 26th, 1860, it is the oldest continuously serving infantry regiment in Canada. Men and Women of "Rifle" regiments are light infantry and are known as Riflemen.
RECRUITING - queensownrifles
The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada offers an unmatched range of Infantry jobs and training. The QOR is a Light Infantry and Airborne Infantry Unit, and we are looking for men and women seeking a challenge, rewarding friendships, and further excitement.
VIRTUAL WALL OF HONOUR | queensownrifles
The Queen’s Own Rifles and the battalions of the Canadian Expeditionary Force that they perpetuate, who died in the service of their country. This page is our virtual Wall of Honour.
À PROPOS | queensownrifles
Who are we? Information about The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada (QOR) | Canadian Armed Forces | Army Reserves | Airborne Infantry | Recruiting | Toronto
The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada | Army Reserves | Toronto | QOR
Official Site of Canada's Oldest Infantry Regiment - The Queen's Own Rifles (QOR) Infantry Reserve Regiment of the Canadian Armed Forces | Army Reserves | Airborne Infantry | Recruiting | Toronto
Regimental Family - queensownrifles
The 1860 Club is the unifying organization for the Regimental family and friends of The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada. It brings together members of the family from coast to coast, and around the world, including the serving Regiment, Senate, Trust Fund, Museum, Association, Cadet Corps, and civilian supporters of the Regiment.
DOWNLOADS - queensownrifles
Download the lasted Rifleman Magazine and cool QOR backgrouns for your computer and mobile devices.
CONTACT | The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada (QOR) | Army …
Contact Information for The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada (QOR) | Canadian Armed Forces | Army Reserves | Airborne Infantry | Recruiting | Toronto
RECRUTEMENT | queensownrifles
Recruiting Information and how to join The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada (QOR) | Canadian Armed Forces | Army Reserves | Airborne Infantry | Recruiting | Toronto