Hitler’s Confidential Memo on Autarky (August 1936)
In this confidential memorandum from August 1936, Hitler explains why he believed it was necessary from an ideological-military standpoint for the German economy to achieve autarky (self-sufficiency) within four years.
Autarky - Wikiquote
Autarky is the characteristic of self-sufficiency, usually applied to societies, communities, states, and their economic systems.
Nazi Germany quotations - Alpha History
Autarky was the main goal of the second phase of Nazi economic policies, which began with the official introduction of the Four-Year Plan in September 1936… the goals of the plan were to make the German army and the economy ready for war within four years.”
Hitler on economic policy (1936) - Alpha History
“In the briefest outline, Germany’s economic position is as follows: 1. We are overpopulated and cannot feed ourselves from our own resources. 2. When our nation has 6 or 7 million unemployed, the food situation improves because these people lack purchasing power… 3.
Hitler on Autarky, August 1936 – Schoolshistory.org.uk
Autarky is the economic principle of self-sufficiency. In the 1930s it would require a large change in the industrial output of Germany to achieve this aim. The reasons for a policy of Autarky and an outline of the way in which Hitler envisaged it being achieved, are found in this confidential memo written by Hitler in August 1936.
Mein Kampf Quotes - Quotes and Excerpts from Mein Kampf
Quotes from Mein Kampf. This page contains a collection of selected quotes and excerpts from the book Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. The purpose here is to provide a short but accurate picture of the book itself.
TOP 25 AUTONOMY QUOTES (of 256) | A-Z Quotes
Apr 4, 2006 · Autonomy... is freedom to develop one's self - to increase one's knowledge, improve one's skills, and achieve responsibility for one's conduct. And it is freedom to lead one's own life, to choose among alternative courses of action so long as …
Quotes with autarky | wordhelp.com
Inspirational quotes with autarky in our online, free, and searchable database. Encyclopedias Dictionary Definitions Synonyms Thesaurus Antonyms Quotes Proverbs
Autarky - Wikipedia
Autarky can result from economic isolation or from external circumstances in which a state or other entity reverts to localized production when it lacks currency or excess production to trade with the outside world.
Marine Le Pen quote: I'm not talking about autarky. I'm not crazy.
I'm not talking about autarky. I'm not crazy. We need an intelligent protectionism.
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