How can i know what color these numbers corrospond to?
Aug 31, 2018 · Here's my explanation. If a color is represented with a number from 0-255, it is typically what's called an RGB value. If there is a fourth value, that number represents the …
RMMZ Color text - RPG Maker Forums
Mar 3, 2021 · you can use text code, over over text box to see a list. in MV is \c [x] text here \c [0] (change x to the color 0-31 from the window skin palatte and it's color you want to use. MZ …
Text color codes | RPG Maker Forums
Sep 27, 2013 · Where can I find a list of the colors to use in my game with the text? The code is \C [n] but I cannot find the list of what number is what color. I...
Color gradients | RPG Maker Forums
May 3, 2020 · Introduction Hello everyone. I decided to modify the gradient values of the character generator hair colors. Due to this, I was able to produce more realistic-looking hair …
Is there a way to add more colors to the Character Generator?
Dec 25, 2015 · I was curious if anyone knows a way to add colors to the Character Generator. For example, I want to give one of my characters white eyes, to indicate that they're blind, and I …
Changing Colors of text. | RPG Maker Forums
Dec 13, 2024 · "Hello, this is a \c [11]very important\c [0] message." Use \c [x], so all from there will be in the chosen color. Use \c [0] to go back to default color.
More Realistic Hair Colors [v1.50] - RPG Maker Forums
Oct 25, 2015 · Hello everyone. I decided to modify the gradient values of the character generator hair colors. Due to this, I was able to produce more realistic-looking hair color.
How is RPG Maker MV's RGB color model calculated?
Jul 15, 2019 · RPG Maker MV uses -255-255-range RGB sliders to decide colors for tint, window color, flash and so on, and I need to know how the standardized RGB color model can be …
Custom text color | RPG Maker Forums
May 24, 2014 · I'm looking for a script with custom color function (like with RGB color codes), and so far every google search leads me for basic tutorial how to change text color with \c [x] …
Replacing colors in generator. Modifying hair color ... - RPG Maker …
Oct 25, 2015 · Takes a few seconds using gimp to change a color. Simply select a gradient you want to replace, cut it away leaving a solid line. Then select you light color you want for …