Doors | SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
Doors are hard flat objects a person, such as you the player, can open and close so that you can go into a room or other place. They are found all across the facility, and let you go between rooms and somesuch.
Can someone find a list of all pin numbers in this game?
Apr 6, 2016 · You can find the code to the door to bypass the Maintenance Tunnels on SCP-372's document, inside 372's chamber. Every other keypad in the game in un-openable.
SCP-2317 - SCP Foundation
Oct 4, 2022 · Description: SCP-2317 is a wooden door and frame originally constructed as a basement door for a 19th-century Massachusetts brownstone. Upon opening the door, any person stepping through the door frame will be transported to an alternate reality.
Entrance Zone - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
The entrance to the server hub appears next to one of the doors in a two-way hallway and requires a level 3 keycard to access. The door leads to a staircase that goes down into the room itself. At the bottom of the stairs on the left is an inaccessible door and on the right is …
SCP Containment Breach Multiplayer: Door codes - RusgameAH
Oct 30, 2021 · In this guide, you will learn the codes for the doors, and also where to find them.
Heavy Containment Zone - Official SCP - Containment Breach …
The main room is accessible through a door, and inside, the player will see SCP-682's document in front of a large, sealed blast door. Above the blast door, is a series of vents, with a security camera right below the closest left vent.
Gate B - Official SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
Gate B is found in a single room with a large blast door, with its name labeled above the door. Next to it is an elevator that leads to the surface of Gate B, which consists of some buildings and a long hallway with glass coverings built into the white, snow-covered hillside.
Rooms | SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Fandom
The door to the left houses SCP-860, and the right leads to SCP-1025. However, the door immediately in front of the player is inaccessible. A level 3 keycard is needed to access SCP-1025's storage, but a level 4 keycard is needed to access SCP-860's chamber.
What is the code to this door? : r/scpcontainmentbreach - Reddit
Dec 16, 2021 · Check SCP-372's Chamber for its Document, it has the code to the door. It randomizes the code for every new game you play. I hope this helps.
DNA Scanner Door Don't open even with normal severed hand, help
May 14, 2020 · I'm playing scp cb, I went to scp 012 containment chamber and got severed hand and now I'm trying to use it on some DNA scanner door but its not opening even with severed hand. Is it the correct hand? There are two, one in the, pardon my forgetfulness, blood composition room and one in 939s chambers.