Rickshaws and Filipinos: Transnational Meanings of Technology …
Aug 14, 2014 · The peak of rickshaw use in Asia corresponded to the period of late imperialism, an era characterized by a high degree of physical mobility within the region enjoyed even by certain elite groups among the colonized. The result was the traveling of meanings from one urban center to another.
Philippines - Spanish Colonization, Culture, Trade | Britannica
3 days ago · The Spanish at first viewed the Philippines as a stepping-stone to the riches of the East Indies (Spice Islands), but, even after the Portuguese and Dutch had foreclosed that possibility, the Spanish still maintained their presence in the archipelago.
Trivia no. 13: Mass Transit in the Philippines during the Spanish Era
Jan 26, 2021 · It was until the 18th century when the Spanish colonizers introduced a new mode of transport consisting of two-wheeled horse-drawn carriages. This is known as the calesa —brightly-painted wood or metal carriages were the most efficient at its time, allowing movement of people and goods.
[PDF] Rickshaws and Filipinos: Transnational ... - Semantic Scholar
Aug 14, 2014 · The controversy turned the rickshaw into a disputed symbol. On the one hand, the rickshaw enterprise was criticized by Filipino carriage drivers and nationalist labor leaders, who viewed the vehicle as an essentially foreign apparatus that would enslave Filipinos.
Rickshaws in Mexico City - Wikipedia
Otherwise known in Spanish as bicitaxis (bike taxis), ciclotaxis (cycle taxi), golfitaxis (golf cart taxis), mototaxis (motorcycle taxis) or tricitaxis (tricycle taxis), they can be either human-powered or engine-powered transports.
Kalesa - Wikipedia
There were a few kalesas still in use as short-haul public transport around Binondo, Manila, in the 1990s to the 2000s; but they too were replaced by the 2010s with pedicabs, kuliligs, tricycles, and electric tricycles (electric rickshaw and mobility scooters).
rickshaw enterprise was criticized by Filipino carriage drivers and nationalist labor leaders, who viewed the vehicle as an essentially foreign apparatus that would enslave Filipinos.
Rickshaws and Filipinos: Transnational Meanings of ... - ResearchGate
Dec 1, 2014 · Commencing with an investigation of extrafamilial work relations during the Spanish period, this article traces the nature and extent of the labor shortage at the turn of the twentieth century.
The Rich History of the Rickshaw - thehotcollector.com
Explore the history of the rickshaw, from its origins in 19th-century Japan to its modern variations in Asia. Learn why this iconic vehicle remains a symbol of cultural and transportation history.
Rickshaw - Wikipedia
A rickshaw, or jinrikisha, is a light, two-wheeled cart consisting of a doorless, chairlike body, mounted on springs with a collapsible hood and two shafts. Finished in black lacquer-ware over timber, it was drawn by a single rickshaw runner.