Can you bonemeal sugar cane? And if yes, how? : r/Minecraft
May 9, 2021 · For all your baking needs! Recipes, pictures, ideas, questions and all things baking related. Cakes, cookies, pies, tarts, muffins, scones, breads, rolls, biscuits ...
How do I grow sugar cane underground? : r/Minecraft - Reddit
Apr 8, 2021 · Tips for growing sugar cane in minecraft upvotes r/valheim. r/valheim. Valheim is a brutal exploration and ...
What is the best pattern for sugar cane? : r/Minecraft - Reddit
Four sugar cane plants between each single water hole on a N-S, and E-W axis. Then across two, up one from each water hole, make another. Cover with slabs to be able to walk over them. I did try to upload an image to show you to imgur but it's not happy.
This is the most efficient way to make a suger cane farming
This is a 15x5 area with 25 water and 50 sugar cane... With your method you would only need 15 water sources and would have 60 sugar cane. Your design has a density of 80% and the traditional design has a density of ~66.667% however unsquared you have a density of 50% given an area as you have 120 sugar cane in a 240 block area.
How tall can sugar cane grow naturally? : r/Minecraft - Reddit
place the piston at the 2nd height block level. this way when the piston breaks, it breaks the 2nd block and anything above it. it also leaves the 1st block planted so it can grow again.
[Aesthetic] Sugar Cane Farm Greenhouse : r/Minecraft - Reddit
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Does fortune work on sugarcane? : r/Minecraft - Reddit
It doesn't, for one if it did, sugar cane farms wouldn't be a thing because with only one sugar cane and fortune axe or pickaxe, you would effectively have infinite sugar cane. That's probably why mojang decided that fortune doesn't work on sugarcane.
Why do some technical players build inefficient sugar cane farms ...
Sep 26, 2022 · The limiting factor in sugarcane farms is space and build difficulty, since you only have 128 blocks to cover with sugar cane plants due to random tick range. 1 observer per sugarcane reduces space efficiency by a lot, and increases build difficulty because you have to place 1 observer and piston for every plant, whereas you have to build less ...
r/Minecraft on Reddit: Bonemeal not working on sugarcane and …
Feb 28, 2021 · Posted by u/microwavedgerbil25 - 1 vote and 3 comments
TIL the most efficient layout for growing sugarcane is a ... - Reddit
As someone who has harvested lots of sugar cane, the best arrangement is straight lines that one can run down whacking the sugar cane at eye level. The chess knight pattern layout does have some straight lines, but they are at an odd angle, and to clear the whole area you would have to traverse the field using two passes one at one diagonal ...