Torco Octane Boost - CorvetteForum
Jun 23, 2005 · C6 Tech/Performance - Torco Octane Boost - I live in so cal where the highest octane is 91. Since C-6's are tuned at the factory to run on 93, I decide to try a tank with an octane booster. I used 1 can of Torco in a full tank of gas. I figured that 1 can would up the octane by a little over 2 points clearing 93...
Best octane booster on the market! - CorvetteForum
Jun 13, 2015 · Torco with MMT will give a 2-3 octane number increase, a solid increase (as noted above for "Race Gas" octane booster) and usually enough to eliminate or greatly reduce KR. However, you have the same MMT additive that GM won't warranty the engine for when they find the tell-tale orange signs of use.
Boostane vs Torco test results - Page 3 - CorvetteForum
May 3, 2017 · Octane boosters have a reputation as snake oil because they deserve it, that's an unfortunate thing for the ones that actually work like Torco and BOOSTane. I stand behind my earlier comment that the best octane boosters are only good for a 2-3 octane number increase which is actually a very good accomplishment for a 32 ounce can of liquid.
VP Racing octane booster - CorvetteForum
Aug 6, 2016 · Most octane boosters use units that most people don't realize. When they claim a "7 point" increase, that doesn't mean it's taking you from 87 to 94. It means it's changing 87 to 87.7. Yep.. 10 "points" to go up 1 digit. So.. most are crap as …
Torco Octane Boost - Page 2 - Page 2 - CorvetteForum
C6 Tech/Performance - Torco Octane Boost - I live in so cal where the highest octane is 91. Since C-6's are tuned at the factory to run on 93, I decide to try a tank with an octane booster. I used 1 can of Torco in a full tank of gas. I figured that 1 can would up the octane by …
Race Fuel vs. Torco Accelerator Octane Booster - Bimmerforums.com
Mar 19, 2011 · Has anyone used Torco's Accelerator octane booster as an alternative to straight race fuel? If so, have you dyno'd the two back-to-back to establish that TA is doing what Torco claims, as shown below in a blend with 93 octane pump gas? Reason for the question is that this would be quite a bit cheaper & easier than buying race gas.
VP Octanium vs Torco vs Boostane - CorvetteForum
Sep 29, 2017 · C7 Z06 Discussion - VP Octanium vs Torco vs Boostane - I am currently looking for try octane booster my the upcoming half event. Im in Canada, so every good stuff is hard to come by:toetap: So i know this subject has been beat to death regarding Torco, and boostane. But the only easy one to find locally , is the VP...
Torco vs. Klotz - CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette Forum …
Feb 17, 2015 · First went out and duplicated 5.8 sec with 5 gallons of 100 octane. Ran out tank and added 1 quart of Torco to 18.5 gallons of 91 octane, which according to chart added 4 points to 95 octane. Ran two sessions was only to get several at 6 sec and several at 5.9 sec, weather identical 72 F at Sea level. Conclusion, Torco ain't cutting it.
Best OCTANE BOOSTER????? - CorvetteForum
Apr 9, 2011 · The small bottles/cans that the auto parts stores carry that advertize 2 full points of Octane increase actually mean they will raise 91.0 Octane to 91.2 Octane. Torco will really give you 10 Points of Octane increase to over 100 Octane but you have to mix 32 ounces of Torco with 10 gallons of 91.0 Octane to get over 100.0 Octane.
Boostane vs Torco test results - Page 2 - CorvetteForum
Apr 24, 2017 · For that reason, there is no 32 oz can of anything that will raise 93 octane fuel to 100 octane...even TORCO proves that with an "independent" test where 91 octane fuel increase to 96 octane. In reality, you can expect to see a 2-3 octane number improvement with the best octane booster and TORCO is one of the best if not the best.