Tulip Angel's Wish | DutchGrown™ | Order Top Quality Tulips …
If you're looking for soft shades, Tulip 'Angel's Wish' is the perfect fit for your needs. We ship our top-size tulip flower bulbs at wholesale pricing direct from Holland. New white single late tulip with long stems and huge flowers.
Tulipa - Angels Wish - Brent & Becky's Bulbs
Single Late Tulip "Single flowered cultivars, mainly long stemmed, late flowering. This group includes E.G., the former Darwin Group and Cottage Group." Great under crab apples; good for bedding and cut flowers; prefer zones 3-7; 12/+ cm unless otherwise noted.
Late-Flowering Tulip Angels Wish | K. van Bourgondien - Dutch …
Tulipa mayflowering 'Angel's Wish' Ship As: Bulb; Size: 12+ CM; Suggested Uses: Borders, Bouquets, Cut Flowers, Showy Flowers; Flower Color: Yellow, White; Flower Form: Upright, bell or funnel shaped. Foliage Type: Gray-green, linear or broadly ovate. Mature Spread: 3 - 6 inches; Spacing: 3 - 6 inches
Tulip 'Angels Wish' - Rotteveel Bulb
Single Late Tulip Angel's Wish is one the latest white tulip to bloom in the Spring. Tall and elegant creamy white flowers will brighten up your landscape. Great variety for late cut flower production.
Tulipa 'Angels Wish' (5) | tulip 'Angels Wish' Bulbs/RHS - RHS …
tulip 'Angels Wish' A strong-growing tulip to 50cm, with large, shapely flowers on sturdy stems. Outer tepals are white with a bright greenish-yellow triangle running up the midrib; inside unmarked white.
Tulip 'Angels Wish' | Single Late Tulip – Gardeners Dream
Angel’s Wish is part of the division 5, Single Late Tulips and some standout traits are the elegant white blooms on tall stems. The petals curl inward and display soft whites towards the exterior with a wide middle, ivory-white vein.
Tulip Angel's Wish - DutchGrown
Tulip Angel’s Wish is a tall, elegant tulip. It has soft creamy blooms, with yellow markings that disappear as the flower matures. This variety has won awards for its good performance and reliability. It is an ideal choice for mass planting, and also makes a particularly good cut flower.
Tulip Angels Wish | Peter Nyssen | Buy Flower Bulbs and Plants …
Soft white with a hint of yellow that fades with age. Shop Tulip Angels Wish on Peter Nyssen. Beautiful and high-quality bulbs delivered to your door. Shop online now.
Angels Wish Tulip Bulbs for Sale - Order Online | Ashridge
Angel's Wish is a delightfully angelic bloom, the silky petals a just-off white shade, each petal with a wide brush-stroke of pale greeny yellow running from base to tip, which fades gently as the flower matures. It's an elegant single late tulip, so it has that classic goblet shape and flowers towards the end of the tulip season, in May.
Buy Tulip Bulbs | Tulipa Angel's Wish | Gold Medal winning Harts …
'Angel's Wish' Tulip is a striking variety of late-blooming tulip that boasts a tall, elegant shape. This tulip variety stands out with its stunning white petals, which are uniquely marked with yellow streaks.