Lahontan Dam which serves as the primary irrigation storage facility for the Federal Newlands Project. Water from the reservoir is drawn into the outlet works through a 114-foot-high concrete intake tower via slide gates (six on the downstream side and six on the upstream side).
Lahontan Dam - Truckee-Carson Irrigation District
The Lahontan Dam Tower At maximum storage, Lahontan Reservoir is 17 miles long, covers 10,600 acres, and has a maximum depth of 85 feet near the dam. It has sandy beaches and rock outcroppings, flooded woody debris, a flooded river channel, and various islands.
Federal funding will upgrade gates on Lahontan Dam input tower
Aug 15, 2024 · The upgrade on the input tower gates will annually save more than 782 million gallons of water and help Northern Nevada combat drought conditions, officials said.
Senators tout local water projects: New funding will upgrade …
Aug 16, 2024 · Both senators announced the funding to help upgrade six gates on the Lahontan Dam. The upgrade on the dam’s input tower gates will save more than 782 million gallons of water annually and help northern Nevada combat drought conditions.
Home Page | Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board
To preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of California's water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses, and to ensure proper water resource allocation and efficient use, for the benefit of present and future generations.
Lahontan Dam and the Newlands Project - Atlas Obscura
Jan 12, 2024 · This motivated the construction of Lahontan Dam for alternative water storage at a narrows on the Carson River, just downstream of where the Truckee Canal enters.
New BOR Area Directors Tackle Tough Projects - thefallonpost.org
Jan 28, 2022 · “We’re working with TCID to upgrade water ordering and delivery tracking and we hope to roll that out in 2023,” he said. Other ways to increase efficiency in the Carson Division include looking at replacing tower gauges and penstock lining at Lahontan Reservoir.
Lahontan Dam and Power Plant | SAH ARCHIPEDIA
The massive reinforced concrete outlet tower contains twelve gates that release water from Lahontan Reservoir behind the dam. The stone and concrete powerhouse contains three generators that continue to supply electricity to the surrounding area.
Nevada Ghost Town -Lahontan Dam
It is believed that shortages of water, which harrassed homesteaders during the early years of the reclamation work on the desert, are now at an end for all time. The dam will back water up for a distance of nearly eighteen miles in the Carson River, forming an immense artificial lake.
Nevada: Lahontan Dam and Power Station - U.S. National Park …
Jan 13, 2017 · Before the Newlands Project, the Carson River rushed down from the Sierra Nevadas in the spring, its uncontrolled runoff flooding the Lahontan Valley wetlands. Today, the Carson River and diverted water from the Truckee flow into Lahontan Reservoir, where water releases are regulated.