Welcome | Windsor Girls' School
The Windsor Girls’ community shares a relentless determination to deliver a first-class education. Our priorities include ensuring that every learner journeys through an ambitious curriculum that helps them to discover and nurture their talents, knowledge and skills.
Term Dates | Windsor Girls' School
SCHOOL TERM DATES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 . Term 1 (39 days) INSET: Tuesday 3 September 2024. Term starts on: Wednesday 4 September 2024 (Year 9 and Year 12 only) Thursday 5 September – All school. Term ends on: Friday 25 October 2024. October Holiday: Monday 28 October 2024 to Friday 1 November 2024. Term 2 (35 days)
Windsor Girls' School Alumnae
Windsor Girls’ School Alumnae (WGSA) is a friendship group which was founded as Windsor County Girls’ Old Girls Association in 1922, two years after the founding of the School. Its activities then were numerous and the Association was actively involved with the progress of …
Uniform | Windsor Girls' School
SCHOOL UNIFORM . Correct school uniform should be worn both during school hours and on the journey to and from school. Lower School Indoor Uniform. Windsor Girls’ School dark green pleated skirt or dark green tailored trousers. White blouse: fitted with an open revere collar. Dark green jacket: single breasted, with school logo.
School Policies - Windsor Girls
School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
Curriculum | Windsor Girls' School
Windsor Girls' School. Cookies. Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips. Our cookies ensure you get the best experience on our website.
Admissions | Windsor Girls' School
Windsor Girls School Admissions designated area For In Year Admissions please complete the attached application form and send to [email protected]. WGS In Year Application …
Sixth Form | Windsor Girls' School
Windsor Girls' School ‘Aspire Advance Achieve’ Contact us Website Menu Back. Home; Our School. Governors; Initial Teacher Training; Welcome; Prospectus; ... Windsor Schools Sixth Form Prospectus 2024-2025.pdf Open Evening Subject Presentations. Sixth Form open evening November 2024 .pdf
Thames Valley Learning Partnership (TVLP) | Windsor Girls' School
the tvlp champion for windsor girls’ school is elizabeth jenkins. TVLP EVENTS The TVLP run a series of events each year, from high profile speakers and different subject specific events, to an annual Student Leadership Conference.
Twitter links | Windsor Girls' School
Windsor Girls' School. Cookies. Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips. Our cookies ensure you get the best experience on our website.