How is the X-59 designed to quiet the boom? - NASA
The X-59's unique shape—also known as its outer mold line—is designed to spread out supersonic shockwaves in a way that prevents the typically loud sonic booms heard on the …
• X-59 Concept Evolution • X-59 Aircraft - Features and Design - Fabrication - Systems Integration - Ground Testing • Supporting Technologies and Flight Systems • X-59 Team 2
What Makes a Sonic Boom? The X-59’s design shape prevent shockwaves from coming together, reducing the loud sonic boom to a barely audible thump. Within a few thousand feet, the …
How Lockheed Martin designed the X-59, the world’s weirdest, …
Sep 27, 2023 · An inside look at the design of the X-59—a supersonic jet that defies physics to travel faster than the speed of sound, with making barely any sound at all.
Quesst - NASA
How is the X-59 designed to quiet the boom? Engineers incorporated several innovative design features into the X-59 to make it quieter and help the pilot control the plane while in flight. X-59 …
In preparation for community response testing, NASA will provide a suite of prediction tools to support timely and accurate validation of the acoustic performance of the X-59 aircraft, rapid …
NASA’s X-59 QueSST Takes Shape
Jun 19, 2019 · Moving through the air with ease, the 29.5-foot wide swept wing maneuvers NASA’s new X-plane gracefully through the sky. Before taking flight, NASA’s X-59 Quiet …
Ames’ Contributions to the X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology ... - NASA
Mar 21, 2022 · As Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in Palmdale, California, finalized the X-59 airplane’s design, they ran their ideas using an Ames-developed high-resolution, 3D simulation …
Full Throttle, Mach Diamonds: NASA’s X-59 Turns Up
Mar 8, 2025 · The aircraft’s design, including its unique top-mounted engine and elongated nose, aims to soften sonic booms to a mere “thump.” As NASA prepares for the first flight, additional …
The X-59 is an experimental supersonic aircraft shaped to reduce the loudness of a sonic boom reaching the ground to that of a gentle thump. The X-plane accomplishes this by a tailored …