Gray leap forward: Xi Jinping shows natural hair color in a rare …
Mar 9, 2019 · Defying decades of political tradition, China’s most powerful man is going gray. Silver streaks in President Xi Jinping’s hair spotted at the annual national legislative session, which began...
Xi Jinping Let His Hair Go Gray - Point of View
Mar 20, 2023 · When former Politburo member Zhou Yongkang appeared in court in 2015, the highest-ranking victim of President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign, his jet-black hair had turned completely white.
Why Has Xi Jinping Let His Hair Go Gray? - WSJ - The Wall Street …
Xi Jinping in 2008 (left) and 2023. In recent years, the Chinese president has demonstrated his unique status by breaking with convention and allowing his hair to show signs of gray.
Fighting grey: Why do China's leaders dye their hair?
Mar 12, 2013 · At the Sassy hair salon, the hairstylist, Hong Haiting, estimates Chinese politicians have to touch up their roots every 10 days. Incoming President Xi Jinping is promising to cut down on...
With Streaks of Gray Hair, Xi Jinping of China Breaks With Tradition
Mar 7, 2019 · Mr. Xi’s hair was mostly black when he rose to power in 2012. But as he has grappled with a slowing economy, diplomatic tussles in the South China Sea and a trade war with the United States,...
Xi’s hair color story/What secrets are hidden in the ... - YouTube
From the photos at the memorial service, people notice that Xi's gray hair has increased significantly. Compared to his previous public appearance, it feels as if he turned gray overnight. It...
Xi Jinping: Greying signals and of dyeing tradition? - The Economic Times
Mar 11, 2019 · Grey is the new black in ‘red’ China, it seems, as even President Xi Jinping is allowing his thick hair to display strands of silver. Time was when only Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping were strong enough to go grey; for decades now, black hair became the party norm in …
This is Xi Jinping's gray-haired go at global leadership
Mar 18, 2023 · In 2019, however, President Xi Jinping broke away from the tradition and appeared in undyed hair with streaks of gray. Xi, according to experts, was trying to assert his superiority to his colleagues among whom he was supposed to be merely the first among equals.
习近平“两会”白发形象引发热议 - 纽约时报中文网
Mar 11, 2019 · 媒体经常拍到他在国内身穿深蓝色拉链 夹克衫 的样子,象征着他在自己领导的反腐运动中的朴素形象。 专家说,他花白的头发进一步强化了这种形象,以及他希望成为人们眼里慈父的愿望,这符合他广为人知的“习大大”绰号。 “这不是那种古板干部的形象,那种必须严格按照正确的模具染色、熨平的样子,”哈佛大学研究中国历史和政治的学者朱利安·格维茨 (Julian Gewirtz)说 …
With Streaks of Gray Hair, Xi Jinping of China Breaks With Tradition
Chinese leaders have long sported unnaturally black heads of hair. Mr. Xi is going gray as he builds his image as a man of the people.