YWCA Retirement Fund
Take the uncertainty out of retirement planning with an annuity, an income guaranteed to last a lifetime. YWCARF offers six monthly payment options for life, and you can elect to share your …
Overview | YWCA Retirement Fund - ywcarf.org
The YWCA Retirement Fund operates as a non-profit, tax-exempt organization for the purpose of providing retirement benefits for employees of participating YWCAs in the United States.
For Participants | YWCA Retirement Fund
Everything YWCA Retirement Fund participants need to know to update and manage their accounts and information.
Ready to Retire? | YWCA Retirement Fund
As a YWCA Retirement Fund participant, you may receive all or part of your account at any time after you leave your YWCA. From lump-sum payments to annuities, here are the options …
For Administrators | YWCA Retirement Fund
Everything administrators need to know to manage their YWCA association's YWCA Retirement Fund accounts.
Annuities | YWCA Retirement Fund - ywcarf.org
YWCA Retirement Fund offers six different types of fixed annuities, or monthly pension payments, which vary based on how much - if at all - you would like to leave for a beneficiary after your …
How It Works | YWCA Retirement Fund
Everything you need to know about your retirement plan. YWCARF’s Summary Plan Description (SPD) has all the information you need to decide your best options for receiving benefits, as …
YWCARF Self-Service
YWCA Retirement Fund Participant Self-Service. User ID. Password. Forgotten your User ID? Forgotten your Password? Not registered yet? Click here to register. This system is for the use …
YWCA Retirement Fund
At the YWCA Retirement Fund, participant accounts grow via association contributions, our 40% match, and added interest. Here's what that looks like over time. Read more
YWCA Retirement Fund Benefit Estimator
This Benefit Estimator gives you a simple, rough estimate of what your YWCA Retirement Fund benefit may look like based upon the input you supply. It is not a precise calculator of the …